The script will remove Teamviewer of any version from the Windows endpoint completely If it is installed.
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This script is to check whether your target Windows machine has the Registry key or not. The Registry or Windows Registry contains information...
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Please run the script as System User The procedure displays the given particular field' value from the given Registry Key.
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This script is used to remove unwanted Quick Icons from the Task Bar NOTE: Please Configure the following parameter Icon_Name with the Quick Ico...
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This script shows the windows performance metrics such as processor, Ram, harddisk, processor details.
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Please use the script to configure disk quota limit for the specific user - able to set limit and threshold level in bytes. As an administrator, I...
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This script is to get default parameter information of WMI Settings. Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) in an operating system ...
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Please try this procedure to restart Comodo ITSM client. Again you won't get any execution log as ITSM discontinued for few seconds. The script...
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The below script lists the properties of the Windows registry. The detailed information on fetched properties: Caption - A short descriptio...
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Please use the script to get disk usage for all your quotas configured. Note: drName = 'C:' - the value of this variable can be changed...
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