Please use below script to add ITSM device to desired domain. You need to provide following inputs in the script. Example domain_name="tes...
Categories Action
1. This script procedure creates temporary VB script file (.vbs format), run it, capture the output and delete that file finally 2.We can run the s...
Categories Action
Please run the script as System User The procedure does the following for you, Gets PowerShell Script Content Gets File Name with Extension...
Categories Action
Please run the script as System User The procedure displays Active Network Connections from the Windows Endpoint. The following details will be sho...
Categories Action
This script procedure is used to kill the running applications. To see the list of application process running , type the " taskl...
Categories Action
Please use the script to get Procedure Finished Success, Procedure Finished Fail, Procedure parsed Successfully, Installed Critical and Security Patch...
Categories Monitoring
Please refer below script to email Threat. Quarantine and Containment history in CSV format. Edit parameters: sendemail=1 ->Edit "se...
Categories Action
Refer below procedure to get installed updates list, Scripts work for both logged in user and system user
Categories Windows Updates
Please download this procedure to install critical and security updates without reboot using Windows built-in update functions. Script works well if r...
Categories Action
Hi A roaming device cannot connect to internal hosts when inside the office network hence 'Host File Configuration' need to be configured a...
Categories Onboarding