This script is used to move a directory from one to another. Note: Please provide the source and destination paths correctly(will...
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Please specify the full path and name of installation file together with required command parameters. Please run the script as System Us...
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The procedure adds the given user (Domain User or Local User) to the given Local Group. The user either part of the domain or local can be added...
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The procedure deletes the given user from the given local group. The user can be a Domain User or Local User so please be aware of the user you are go...
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The procedure lists all local groups created on the Windows Endpoint Please run the script as System User
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UAC (User Access Control) helps to prevent unauthorized changes to your computer. This script helps you to Enable the UAC
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The "User Access Control" may be either in enabled status or disabled status. To know the status of the UAC, Please use this script....
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This script helps to discard and renew IP address configuration for all adapters. Please run the Script as System User
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Certain operating systems and DNS clients will automatically cache IP addresses and other DNS results, this is done in order to speed up subsequent re...
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The script restores the Network Configuration File through the command "netsh" from the given file. Please give the valid file and ensure th...
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