Note: Run as local system user or Logged user
Categories Action
Note: Run as logged in user
Categories Action
Note: RUN AS LOCALSYSTEM USER. The Bitlocker deactivated status will be mailed to the sender's Mail (EmailTo) 1.Provide the ToEmail address...
Categories Action
This script will delete all the contents in the downloads folder for all users older than certain days. NOTE: Run as Local System User.  ...
Categories Action
NOTE: Run as Local System User.
Categories Action
Note: 1.Run as Local System User
Categories Action
Note: 1) Run as logged user. 2) Provide an image URLS (at parameter Imagelist in both possible items and default value, paste the...
Categories Action
RUN AS LOCALSYSTEM USER. 1.Provide the Toemail address in the parameter 'EmailTo' where the mail need to be sent. the datatype should be a...
Categories Monitoring