This script is used to enable Windows Firewall. NOTE: Please run the script as System User.
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This Script will allow you to Enable or Disable Network Adapter.
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Hi, This script helps us to synchronize with NTP server. Edit parameters: provide your NTP time server in the script. ***if th...
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Script to enable the "File and Priinter sharing" for domain Run the script as system user
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Hi, This script will help you to match the content in web page Note: DATA="yyyy" #give the content which you match the url URL=r'z...
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Refer the following script to setup a printer remotely, with the print driver on a shared folder Define the following : sFolder="\\path&quo...
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This script is used to change windows ethernet connection to a metered connection Run the script as system user.
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Hi please use this script to delete the user from admin group Note: user =" yyy" # provide the user name from group
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This Script will return all Open ports in the System wiht following details: Protocal, Local IP , Foreign IP, Port Status , PID
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