This script is used to Schedule automatic shutdown using task schedule Edit parameters day="DAILY" #Eg:DAILY,MON,TUE,WED,T...
Categories Action
This script is to monitor the event logs in windows machines. Note: Run the script as system user.
Categories Monitoring
This script is used to schedule a automatic restart using task scheduler Edit parameters daily="DAILY" #Eg:DAILY,MON,TUE,WED,TH...
Categories Action
This script is used to take a snap using webcam whenever system is loggedin and the image will be saved in specified location For example: webca...
Categories Action
Please refer this script if you want to delete files in multiple location's folders and subfolders which are older than x...
Categories Action
Please refer this script if you want to sort files in an folder according to their type. NOTE : Parameters to Edit: dir_name = "C:\Pytho...
Categories Action
This script is used to reset RDP session. Run the script as system user
Categories Action
Hi, This script is used to get system booted time or last restarted time Note: Run as Login User or System User.
Categories Action
Hi, This script is used to defragment all partitions of disk in the system. Note: Run as System User
Categories Action