Decription : This script moniter the service and restart the service if its in stopped state and provides alert, if service is not present it will...
Categories Monitoring
Decription : This script moniter the service and restart the service if its in stopped state and provides alert, if service is not present it will...
Categories Monitoring
Decription : This script moniter the service and restart the service if its in stopped state and provides alert, if service is not present it will...
Categories Monitoring
Description : This script import the certifcate. Note: Run as local system user.
Categories Action
Description: This script take screen short for custome time settings. Instruction : 1.Change the "Time_string" to provide total tim...
Categories Services/Processes
Description : This script creates a message pop up in user window asking for customized quires . Instructions: 1.Pass the questions in list f...
Categories Action
Description : This script checks if the number of synced files in OneDrive is <280000 files then it does nothing, If its greater than 2800...
Categories Monitoring
This script is used to Schedule automatic reboot using task schedule Edit parameters daily="DAILY" #Eg:DAILY,MON,TUE,WED,T...
Categories Monitoring