Please run the script as System User to disable the Firewall Completely.
Categories Action
Please use the , below script to restart machine. Run the script procedure as either "system user" and "logged in us...
Categories Action
Please use below simple script to uninstall Endpoint Manager Communication Client and Comodo Client - Security Note: 1. Run the script as system...
Categories Offboarding
This script shows the PC name and total physical memory and available physical memory in RAM. It can run in both system user and as in logg...
Categories Action
The script will remove AVG CloudCare Completely from your Windows Endpoint Note: Please run the script as System User
Categories Action
Please use below script to get existing backup version details from target volume, In below, the script we set the Volume ='E' where t...
Categories Action
The script is to get sub-keys and values of a valid register-key Each key can contain both subkeys and data, so this will help you to get...
Categories Action
This script can provide the OS name , version , hardware , manfacturer and built in type. It runs in...
Categories Action
The administrator can use the script to get an Email Report of Browsing History of all popular browsers with the specified date range. Note:...
Categories Action
Please run the script as System User This script can be used to send email based on ping status of the domain name or IP given by the user....
Categories Action