Please use the script to get Procedure Finished Success, Procedure Finished Fail, Procedure parsed Successfully, Installed Critical and Security Patch...
Categories Monitoring
Please refer below script to email Threat. Quarantine and Containment history in CSV format. Edit parameters: sendemail=1 ->Edit "se...
Categories Action
Refer below procedure to get installed updates list, Scripts work for both logged in user and system user
Categories Windows Updates
Please refer the below script to, Get Startup Applications. 1. This script will display the information, what are the startup applications which ar...
Categories Action
Please refer, the script to Get Local User Accounts The Users folder, which is located in the Local Users and Groups Microsoft Management Console (...
Categories Action
Please refer the below script to, START A SERVICE 1.This script will display the information of the particular service which are star...
Categories Action
This procedure will list out five recent system Errors from Windows Event Log. It can be run as both logged in user and system user.
Categories Action
This script collects the recent security warnings from the windows logs. This windows logs could be used for troubleshooting problems and used fo...
Categories Action