Decription : This script moniter the service and restart the service if its in stopped state and provides alert, if service is not present it will...
Categories Monitoring
Decription : This script moniter the service and restart the service if its in stopped state and provides alert, if service is not present it will...
Categories Monitoring
Decription : This script moniter the service and restart the service if its in stopped state and provides alert, if service is not present it will...
Categories Monitoring
Description : This script moniters dnscache ,if service is stoppoed this script will restart . Note: 1. Run as local system user.
Categories Monitoring
Description: This script monitors the DFS replication event Thowrs alert 1 if any event has oocured or else alert will be 0 Note: Run as Loca...
Categories Monitoring
Description: This script raise an alert if the device time is mismatch to the current time. Note: Run the script as custom monitoring ...
Categories Monitoring
This script raise an alert if the device time is mismatch to the current time. Run the script as custom monitoring
Categories Monitoring
This is the Custom Monitoring Script which is used to loop the Stolen Audio Message. Set Check Period should be 1 Min Run the script a...
Categories Stolen computer
This Script is used to Monitor Available Applications Updates Note: Run as Custom Monitoring Script
Categories Monitoring
This Script is used to Monitor Logon Events for a Specific Domain Account Note: Run as Custom Monitoring Script
Categories Monitoring