This script is used for the following User account Operations
1. Check on a device that device accounts are locked or not
2. Check to see that lock occurs on the device password following a maximum of 6 incorrect attempts
3. Check that 'lockout duration' is set to a minimum of 30 minutes
4. Check for the auto lock of accounts is enabled and should be set to lock after a maximum of 15 minutes
5. Check - That new accounts are set with a unique initial password
6. Check - Users is required to reset their password on the first login
The above-mentioned User account operations output has been created as the report and sends to the preferred email address.
Give the receiver email address,sender email address and sender app password
Sender = "" ## Provide the From Email address from which the mail to be send
Password = "pgihmssgyguhhhhd" ##Provide the 16 digit app password for sender email
emailto= "" ## receiver email address
1.Run the script as System or Logged in user
2. Enable 2 factor authentication for sender email address from that account
3. Create app password for sender email address which you have to provide in the script.